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A type of concrete, whose appearance dates back several decades, is a self-compacting concrete that has been engineered by its own special features.

Using this concrete, problems with lack of proper condensation on concrete structures, such as reduced durability and durability of constructions, could be overcome.

Self-compacting concrete is a highly efficient and non-separable concrete that can fill the mold space after being poured into the desired location and surrounding the reinforcement without mechanical compaction, generally self-compacting concrete with similar materials of the same concrete in some cases, in addition to the relatively high amounts of lubricants, modifying additives are also used to make it.

The use of glass powder in concrete can prevent ASR expansion in the presence of active aggregates, as well as improving the strength of glass powder in concrete mortar and mortar.

Microscopic tissue tests indicate that the glass powder can produce a denser mixture and improve the concrete properties.